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Propose this dapp for the district0x registry #8

Closed diegovdc closed 3 years ago

diegovdc commented 3 years ago

Hello, I just had this same idea, and was doing a bit of research to see if someone had already though about something like this. I think ETHmail is project is pretty awesome and has plenty of room to grow.

I recently learned about this registry You can submit a proposal and if accepted get a prize (which I am sure could help you fund this and a more elaborate version), plus you'd get the exposure.

I might consider submitting a similar idea if you don't, but perhaps you are interested and then you'd save me a lot of work :) ... (also I am working on other ideas as well)

gkapkowski commented 3 years ago


I decided not to add ETHMail as a proposal there, I don't feel it's a good match for what I plan to do.

Thanks for telling me about it, I appreciate it.