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Mention that Forge Config API Port is a dependency for Fabric in README #19

Closed eievui5 closed 1 year ago

eievui5 commented 1 year ago

Documentation problem The README file does not mention that Forge Config API Port is a dependency for Fabric.

Documentation improvement Add a link to this page :)

Crystal-Spider commented 1 year ago

Could you tell me why you think it's necessary? When you go to the download page on either Curseforge or Modrinth it's written that for Fabric there are 2 required dependencies: Fabric API and Forge Config API Port.
Thank you.

Crystal-Spider commented 1 year ago

Closed for inactivity.

Crystal-Spider commented 1 year ago

CurseForge new website removed a clear dependency section on each file, and now the dependency is not that clear anymore.
Reopening and will be fixed asap.

Crystal-Spider commented 1 year ago

Updated with dependency.