Crystal-Nest / harvest-with-ease

Don't break crops, right click them!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crops do not drop experience when harvested via right-click #28

Closed raspmary closed 7 months ago

raspmary commented 7 months ago

Crops drop experience when harvested by breaking, but not when harvested by right-clicking (despite the "exp on harvest" config being set to a number higher than 0) Bug encountered in Minecraft 1.19.2, Forge 43.3.5, using Harvest with Ease

Crystal-Spider commented 7 months ago

Could you please verify whether with right-click harvest you still get the xp even if no experience orb drops?

AkiraWhitlock commented 7 months ago

Yeah i had something similar, i was not getting experience when right clicking only left click/break.

Crystal-Spider commented 7 months ago

Can you both, @raspmary and @AkiraWhitlock, please do the following checks and let me know the results?

  1. Are you using the latest version of the mod? If not, please update and then try again.
  2. In this mod config file, which you can find as YourModpack/config/harvestwithease-common.toml, is the "exp on harvest" set to a number greater than 0?
  3. When a crop is ripe for harvest, does the right-click harvest give you experience (which you can see because the green level bar should increment) despite no XP orbs being dropped?
  4. When a crop is ripe for harvest, does breaking it not drop any XP orb?

Let me know.

zireaelqqq commented 7 months ago

@Nyphet tomatoes from farmer's delight do not give experience because by default they are going to be raised by right-click. All other crops works fine

Crystal-Spider commented 7 months ago

@zireaelqqq yeah, this makes sense. Tomatoes from Farmer's Delight work different and I forgot to handle the experience drop for them. I will fix it asap, thanks!

@raspmary and @AkiraWhitlock please let me know soon if you have issues with the experience with other crops too, thanks.

raspmary commented 7 months ago

Could you please verify whether with right-click harvest you still get the xp even if no experience orb drops?

yep, this is my bad, i didn't notice that i was still getting the xp - apologies for the false report on that one although in the process i've also realised that the xp gain doesn't work properly when used in conjunction with quark's hoe harvesting (the feature that makes hoes harvest in a larger area) - the harvesting part does work, the hoe harvests and replants the crops in a larger area as it should, but the xp gained is only equivalent to the amount of xp that a single crop would yield, not all nine crops - i'm not entirely sure if this is purely on quark's end and if there's nothing to be done about it on your end, but i figured it'd be worth mentioning (this issue happens using MC 1.19.2, forge 43.3.5, harvest with ease and quark 3.4-418)

Crystal-Spider commented 7 months ago

@raspmary it makes sense that the xp yield is for one crop only, as HWE does not support harvesting multiple crops at once. If you use a mod that does it, it's already a good thing that they don't conflict with each other.
Anyway, the solutions for that are only 2:

  1. Quark uses HWE API to get the amount of XP for a single crop and multiply that by 9 (or whatever number of crops harvested simultaneously)
  2. I add to HWE the feature to harvest multiple crops, and then you deactivate the Quark one.

Most likely, I will go with number 2, but it will take some time. You can track the progress by following #30

Anyway, I will keep this issue open to fix the xp drop with Farmer's Delight tomatoes.