Crystal-Nest / harvest-with-ease

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How to locate and change the config #38

Closed Wintertjess closed 8 months ago

Wintertjess commented 8 months ago

This is my config (AreaSize)

Êþº¾ = F -crystalspider/harvestwithease/config/AreaSize  ALjava/lang/Enum<Lcrystalspider/harvestwithease/config/AreaSize;>; java/lang/Enum SINGLE /Lcrystalspider/harvestwithease/config/AreaSize; MEDIUM LARGE size I $VALUES 0[Lcrystalspider/harvestwithease/config/AreaSize; values 2()[Lcrystalspider/harvestwithease/config/AreaSize;     clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;     valueOf C(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcrystalspider/harvestwithease/config/AreaSize; 5(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Enum;     name Ljava/lang/String;  (Ljava/lang/String;II)V (I)V (Ljava/lang/String;I)V  "  #  % this toString ()Ljava/lang/String;  )  * java/lang/String , toLowerCase . )

Crystal-Spider commented 8 months ago

Please, explain the bug and also be careful of what you're pasting because that text definitely has something wrong.

Wintertjess commented 8 months ago

If i open the mod Than i go to Crystalspider Than to harvestwithease Than to Config And than to AreaSize.class Because i wanna change the size

Crystal-Spider commented 8 months ago

That's not the way to change it.
When you first create a world with the mod installed, a configuration file will be generated under the config folder.
That's the file you should change. You will see in the file an option for the area size.

Wintertjess commented 8 months ago

I dont see a another config folder? I only see this if i open the mod Schermafbeelding 2024-01-14 191958

Crystal-Spider commented 8 months ago

You don't have to open the mod.
You have to install the mod and open the Minecraft instance folder. There you will find the config folder with the configuration file.

Wintertjess commented 8 months ago

You mean here? image

Crystal-Spider commented 8 months ago

Yes, there.
Go into the config folder and you will see a file called harvestwithease-common.toml.

Crystal-Spider commented 8 months ago

Has the issue been resolved?

AsheX1 commented 8 months ago

Has the issue been resolved?

you can close this i check his post on other mod problems he also installes wrong mod versions for the wrong minecraft client and never close his issues

Wintertjess commented 8 months ago

The issue is resolved!