CrystalEye42 / OpenChemIE

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Operating in Windows #13

Open timhockswender opened 1 month ago

timhockswender commented 1 month ago

I have a bit of trouble getting this going. Using Win11.

  1. the install string from the repo has spaces before and after the @ sign, these must be deleted to run in a miniconda terminal.
  2. More critically, just running 'import torch' leads to this error: File ~\miniconda3\envs\openchemie\lib\site-packages\easyocr\ from bidi.algorithm import get_display

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bidi.algorithm'

I installed python-bidi but no help. Verified the easyocr is installed. Any ideas? Thanks, Tim Hockswender

timhockswender commented 1 month ago

Brief update: notes showed that the first time to install your package, it failed due to an issue with not finding pdftotext. I removed the env and started from scratch but installed pftotext with conda [conda install pdftotext -y]. The install went ok but had the runtime issue above.

  1. I searched the installed files for 'bidi' stuff and found only: "C:\Users\timho\miniconda3\envs\openchemie\Lib\site-packages\bidi\bidi.cp39-win_amd64.pyd". I have the Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H. I don't know enough about pyd files to determine if this is an issue.