Crystalis7 / Hybrid-Beta

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Corrupted my world save - hybrid-beta-1.0.1 (Fabric 1.20.4) #19

Closed Zorklis closed 6 months ago

Zorklis commented 6 months ago

At first it crashed the game, then I launched it again and it said errors were found and I can't launch it. So I lost my world (no worries I made a backup 2 days ago, nothing but a few dirt blocks replaced). I'm just reporting it, not gonna investigate as I don't wanna test this mod

Crystalis7 commented 6 months ago

Are you running any other mods? Particularly world generation ones? Do you have any error logs?

Zorklis commented 6 months ago

I'm running around 190 other mods (fabric api, mod menu ,etc included), but those are optimization mods, it could also have been noxesium's fps experimental feature but that one was for UI. On world generation mods, not really, structure mods like : abridged , additional structures, adorabuild structures, dungeons and taverns, totw additions, towns and towers. The only other cause could've been noxesium experimental feature like I said, but that would be an odd one to mess with the world. Tried Hybrid Beta 1.0.2+mod and it does not break the world, I'll try to launch with 1.0.1 hybrid in a minute

Zorklis commented 6 months ago

oh 1.0.1 is not available anymore. Tried the Noxesium experimental feature.. it was probably that since it did crash the game.