Ctrlpanel-gg / panel

CtrlPanel offers an easy-to-use and free billing solution for all starting and experienced hosting providers that seamlessly integrates with the Pterodactyl panel.
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[Feature] Use google translate API for custom messages #890

Open OddDevelopment opened 1 year ago

OddDevelopment commented 1 year ago

Feature Description

Make it so when the MOTD and Alert message are updated it uses google translate to make the messages into all supported languages then when a different language is selected in can display the message as that language

Solution Idea

Put a google translate option in language options with a check box for auto translate MOTD and alert messages

Additional Info

No response

AGuyNamedJens commented 1 year ago

This kinda sounds like an optional feature to me that could also abuse google's API usage terms.. I don't think this should be automatic, also why "All supported languages"? Assuming panel admins either use the most used language (country-specific dashboard) or generic English?

OddDevelopment commented 1 year ago

When I said supported languages I meant like the ones chosen currently. Also I am pretty sure this dose not abuse the API terms and I agree on the optional part it should have link a checkbox to turn on and off.