Hello, I'm trying to fix this problem but I can see the solution. Do you have any idea why the readings from CH4 to CH7 are wrong?
This is the code:
import wiringpi as wp
import time
from drivers import ads8688
wiringpi.wiringPiSetup() # For sequential pin numbering
adc = ads8688.ADS8688(bus=0, device=1, cs_pin=10, freq=1000000)
adc.reset() # reset
adc.setGlobalRange(ads8688.R0) # set range for all channels
while True:
for i in range(8):
val = adc.manualChannel(i)
val = adc.noOp()
val = round(adc.raw2volt(val, ads8688.R0),4)
print("Manual CH{}: {}".format(i,val))
Unfortunately, I cannot test that on RPI as I currently do not have one. This library was written for OPi Zero 2. Did you check that pinout is correct?
Hello, I'm trying to fix this problem but I can see the solution. Do you have any idea why the readings from CH4 to CH7 are wrong?
This is the code: ##################################################################################### import wiringpi as wp import time from drivers import ads8688
wiringpi.wiringPiSetup() # For sequential pin numbering
adc = ads8688.ADS8688(bus=0, device=1, cs_pin=10, freq=1000000) adc.reset() # reset adc.setGlobalRange(ads8688.R0) # set range for all channels
while True:
I tested every channel one by one and the result is the same. The raspberry is version 4, 4 GB.
just for your information I tested the circuit with arduino and works fine.
Can you help me??? Thanks in advanced!