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Plugin updater for Minecraft module #1106

Open TheRobLP opened 1 month ago

TheRobLP commented 1 month ago

Feature Request

Feature Information:

A plugin updater for the Minecraft module would be lovely. It would support multiple platforms like Spigot, Bukkit, PolyMart etc. All the solutions that are available right now, such as pluGet or AutoPlug are suboptimal especially for AMP servers because the modules are so deeply integrated with the games. I believe an internally available solution would be a great help for Minecraft server admins. After all most of us aren't Hypixel and we sadly can't afford to create and maintain custom plugins, so we have to rely on public ones. My motivation for this suggestion was a recent incident where one of the plugins on my server that I forgot to update caused a security vulnerability that let maliscious users DDos other servers through me. Also I personally have a lot of servers, and manually updating every single one takes so much time that it isn't even funny. I am pretty sure I am not alone with that.

I confirm:

p0t4t0sandwich commented 1 month ago

Auto-updating plugins can be a security issue (which is why most admins don't), but I feel a good compromise would be to just ease the update process. I know in the near future that CurseForge support will be added, and Modrinth is lined up after that, both of which have plugin support. Once those are all figured I'm sure other integrations would be possible, but do be aware, that many sites just don't have a download API. Spigot support is managed through a third party called SpiGET, which is why it's dodgy at times. Another note on auto-updates is that many plugins don't flag their supported versions properly, so auto-updating a plugin when you haven't updated to the latest Paper release for instance, could just bork everything. In my opinion, a good compromise for all of that would be a defined list of known safe plugins that you allow to auto-update, and have a button and an associated scheduler task for updating them.

TheRobLP commented 1 month ago

Auto-updating plugins can be a security issue (which is why most admins don't), but I feel a good compromise would be to just ease the update process. I know in the near future that CurseForge support will be added, and Modrinth is lined up after that, both of which have plugin support. Once those are all figured I'm sure other integrations would be possible, but do be aware, that many sites just don't have a download API. Spigot support is managed through a third party called SpiGET, which is why it's dodgy at times. Another note on auto-updates is that many plugins don't flag their supported versions properly, so auto-updating a plugin when you haven't updated to the latest Paper release for instance, could just bork everything. In my opinion, a good compromise for all of that would be a defined list of known safe plugins that you allow to auto-update, and have a button and an associated scheduler task for updating them.

I see where you are coming from, and you are correct I didn't think of it that way. But maybe just a way to update them through AMP with the click of a button? I know you can kinda do that with the plugin settings page but one thing that always bothered me was, that you HAD to install it through AMP. It would be lovely if AMP would just check all of the plugins plugin.yml files and try to find them on Spigot, or if that isn't possible just tell the user that they have to set the path manually. I know this doesn't work for Premium plugins (Which I think sucks, by the way. Thanks Spigot) but for free plugins it would be nice.