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Gmod Server Migration tool for deprecated servers #1117

Open Bryantdl7 opened 3 weeks ago

Bryantdl7 commented 3 weeks ago

This is not for requesting support for new games/applications

To do this you should go to and first attempt to build a configuration yourself - otherwise you can request a template from this repo.

Feature Request

Creating some form of tool to migrate servers from the deprecated garrys mod template to the new one

Feature Information:

Why does this need to be added?

Because server managers often have a lot of servers to be maintained - due to this having to go through and manually delete every server, re-create them and also being restricted to doing them only via sftp is borderline impossible in scenarios where the server is hosted offsite, which is the exact scenario I am in, because I only have a 10mbps upload at my house downloading an entire server only to immediately reupload it would probably take closer to an entire day per server of downtime, then when you factor in the fact that I have about 20 garrys mod servers for my community it would take me roughly a month of transferring to make this migration.

My current workaround is to just copy the 4020 folder from one instance to another, but apparently that risks breaking things. Either way that will still take me hours. This is not an ideal situation for any system administrators.

I confirm:

Bryantdl7 commented 3 weeks ago

Not only this - I have to go into every single instance after remaking them & re-assign an IP since is not allowed by AMP, so therefore I have even more manual work to do times 20

IceOfWraith commented 3 weeks ago

Is this Windows or Linux? You should be able to copy the files on the remote server locally without moving it to your PC.

Bryantdl7 commented 3 weeks ago

Windows, my apologies!

I also have to re-set the workshop key and steam API key on top of the GSLT and the IP assignment. lots of manual steps on top of file copying and its a lot haha