CubeCoders / AMP

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Translations not working #1122

Open BroOtti opened 1 week ago

BroOtti commented 1 week ago

Bug Report

System Information

┃ Key                  ┃ Value                                 ┃
┃ Operating System     ┃ Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on x86_64 ┃
┃ Product              ┃ AMP 'Callisto' v2.5.0.14 (Mainline)   ┃
┃ Virtualization       ┃ ProxmoxLXC                            ┃
┃ Application          ┃ Application Deployment                ┃
┃ Module               ┃ ADSModule                             ┃
┃ Running in Container ┃ No                                    ┃
┃ Current State        ┃ Indeterminate                         ┃

I confirm:



  1. Download a translation in the WebRoot/Locale directory through the AMP File Manager. Example: de.json
  2. Apply the translation with the URL and see it working
  3. Go to the File Manager and navigate to the ADS directory. Note, the ?lang=de disappears in the URL
  4. Reload the page by hitting F5
  5. You get a blank screen and in the browser console you see something like SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON. The network tab of the dev tools shows you the json request came back with an AMP login page. The GET request tries to get it from
  6. Navigate back to your AMP and see it working again.

Some users already mentioned this on discord, but I haven't seen an open Issue to the problem.