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Make Schedules user friendly again #720

Open kristi71111 opened 1 year ago

kristi71111 commented 1 year ago

Feature Request

Feature Information:

Version 2.4 changed Time-zone and scheduling which makes AMP use UTC internally. I understand why this change was made. However what this change does is introduce what I consider extreme levels of user unfriendliness to the scheduler. Since my servers time zone is set to GMT+2 I now have to convert that to UTC time and set that as the scheduler time instead of before where it used the servers time and bam stuff happened when I wanted stuff to happen and not later.

In short this update broke my timed schedules since it shifted them all by 2 hours.

I am requesting that something be done to make this more user friendly like an automatic conversion of sorts or anything at all so that I and others do not have to make a mental note every time that the scheduler is running on UTC time and that we should convert the time we want to set the thing up at into UTC before inputting it....

I confirm:

BroOtti commented 1 year ago

The update hasn't changed anything for me on debian 11. The scheduler is set to 3am, and it executes the trigger at 5am CEST.

root@amp:~# dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Current default time zone: 'Europe/Berlin'
Local time is now:      Mon Sep 12 11:42:49 CEST 2022.
Universal Time is now:  Mon Sep 12 09:42:49 UTC 2022.

Best would be a conversion on the GUI from UTC to my local time zone or based on a per-user setting.

IceOfWraith commented 1 year ago

Fully agree this should be reviewed again. Any software I use converts it to local time zone in the GUI.

jordantheranga commented 1 year ago

it would be great if there was a way of selecting diffrent Timezones so i/we dont have todo the calcs. especialy now as i have to go and change all my schedulings.

IceOfWraith commented 1 year ago

The need for the change is justified. It was causing issues having system time differ from UTC. But it causes this issue if it isn't translated in any way for users.

Dragoon209 commented 1 year ago

Agreed, my opinion is that UTC should be used internally, and translated to the local time zone in the GUI for the end user. Asking a normal user to convert to UTC is only going to be a long term pain.

southnode commented 1 year ago

Bumping this consequential fix

ratticon commented 1 year ago

Bumping from Tokyo - I'm loving AMP, just migrated from MineOS, but having to manually convert all my scheduled tasks for my MC servers is complete PITA. For the record - Using Debian 11 Bullseye - Local TZ is Asia/Tokyo JST

~$ sudo timedatectl
               Local time: Sun 2022-12-11 18:05:38 JST
           Universal time: Sun 2022-12-11 09:05:38 UTC
                 RTC time: Sun 2022-12-11 09:05:38
                Time zone: Asia/Tokyo (JST, +0900)
System clock synchronized: yes
              NTP service: active
          RTC in local TZ: no
CorneliousJD commented 1 year ago

Adding my 2 cents here that the schedule should use local time - anything shown in the GUI should use local TZ.

xLeviNx commented 1 year ago

bumping this also. There has to be a way for AMP to convert UTC time based on the region the user wants. Would be ideal.

HStep20 commented 1 year ago

Agreed. Hadn't noticed that my scheduled tasks were happening 7 hours before they were meant to until it just interrupted some people due to a shutdown message.

kazum1kun commented 1 year ago

I noticed this too. Please make the timezone consistent with the user's system (even better, browser) time.

Edit: The system uses MST (-0700). I scheduled a daily backup at 4AM, and somehow they happened at 9PM. So basically the scheduling page uses UTC, and timestamps for files, backups, console, ... uses my local timezone. This is quite confusing...

JOHLC commented 1 year ago

Would be cool to be able to select my time zone and it use that for schedules

synellis commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure I understand the reasoning behind the idea that the UI displays the correct local time a scheduled backup was taken but to set up that schedule you must do the mental math for UTC -/+ to have it execute when needed.

Please, if you have any empathy for us users at all consider moving this up just a bit higher in the priority list.

IceOfWraith commented 1 year ago

Just to clarify the "why", this was done to fix previous inconsistencies initially. By making it all UTC on the back end it removed those issues. But yes, it does cause user experience issues.

XtremeOwnageDotCom commented 5 months ago

To dump this into 2024- I will attest, all of the schedules being in UTC, is quite annoying, especially when you are hosting a server for people who are all in the same time zone.

Oh, good, let me set this schedule to run at midnight. Ok, done. (no warnings, no messages, or anything about time-zones.)

The next day- why is my server still running, I set a schedule to shut it down at midnight.

/ends up here.

srigor commented 1 month ago

Almost halfway through 2024 and I'm requesting this feature as well. Please give us the ability to set a time zone for the server and use local time for the scheduler. This UTC stuff is not user-friendly at all!

Deojuvente commented 3 weeks ago

+1 plz fix it

zCrookedz commented 1 week ago

Another bump for this to get fixed please!