CubeCoders / AMPTemplates

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Adding mumble server #830

Open regchanuk opened 1 month ago

regchanuk commented 1 month ago

Module Request

Note: Please try setting up a configuration yourself before raising an issue to request a configuration: ***There is a newer beta version available at

Game Information: mumble server

Game Title: mumble How to obtain: Suppoted OSs: windows / linux Supports RCON/Console input? unknown

I confirm:

Deojuvente commented 1 month ago

+1 realy need this one :)

I made a temp but no clue how to bring it to AMP :( Mumble I gave up after 11 hours I cant get it to work i am to new :(

Al-Katraz commented 1 month ago


regchanuk commented 1 month ago configs (1).zip

Made 2 sttemts at this

regchanuk commented 1 month ago here is the downloads page too

Deojuvente commented 4 weeks ago configs (1).zip

Made 2 sttemts at this

your serverconfig.json are emty

btw you what to have it all in a docker container

Deojuvente commented 4 weeks ago

What i have done sofar: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mumble-server

sudo dpkg-reconfigure mumble-server

sudo nano /home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ADS01/Plugins/ADSModule/DeploymentTemplates/Deojuvente-AMPTemplates/mumble-server.kvp

GenericModule.Meta.AppConfigId=MumbleServer Meta.DisplayName=Mumble Server Meta.Description=Mumble Dedicated Server Meta.Arch=x86_64 Meta.Author=Deojuvente - Made with AMP Config Generator Meta.URL= Meta.MinAMPVersion= Meta.SpecificDockerImage= Meta.DockerRequired=False Meta.ContainerPolicy=Supported Meta.ContainerPolicyReason= Meta.Prerequsites=[] Meta.EndpointURIFormat=steam://connect/{ip}:{GenericModule.App.Ports.$SteamQueryPort} App.AdminMethod=PinballWizard App.HasReadableConsole=true App.HasWritableConsole=true App.DisplayName=Mumble Server App.CommandLineArgs=start murmur App.WindowsCommandLineArgs= App.CommandLineParameterFormat=-{0} "{1}" App.CommandLineParameterDelimiter= App.RapidStartup=false App.ApplicationReadyMode=Immediate App.ExitMethod=OS_CLOSE App.ExitString=stop App.ExitTimeout=30 App.ExitFile=app_exit.lck App.SupportsLiveSettingsChanges=False App.LiveSettingChangeCommandFormat=set {0} "{1}" App.ApplicationIPBinding= App.AdminPortRef=RemoteAdminPort App.UniversalSleepApplicationUDPPortRef=GamePort1 App.PrimaryApplicationPortRef=GamePort1 App.UniversalSleepSteamQueryPortRef=SteamQueryPort App.MaxUsers=8 App.UseRandomAdminPassword=True App.RemoteAdminPassword= App.AdminLoginTransform=None App.RCONConnectDelaySeconds=30 App.RCONConnectRetrySeconds=15 App.RCONHeartbeatCommand=ping App.RCONHeartbeatMinutes=0 App.TelnetLoginFormat={0} App.SteamUpdateAnonymousLogin=True App.SteamForceLoginPrompt=False App.SupportsUniversalSleep=False App.WakeupMode=Any App.TemplateMatchRegex={{(\$?[\w]+)}} App.MonitorChildProcess=False App.MonitorChildProcessWaitMs=1000 App.MonitorChildProcessName= App.Compatibility=None App.SteamWorkshopDownloadLocation={{$FullBaseDir}}undefined Console.FilterMatchRegex= Console.FilterMatchReplacement= Console.ThrowawayMessageRegex=(WARNING|ERROR): Shader.+ Console.UpdateAvailableRegex=^\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\] \[INFO\] A new server update is available! v[\d\.]+.$ Console.SuppressLogAtStart=False Console.ActivateLogRegex= Console.UserActions={} Console.SleepMode=False Console.SleepOnStart=False Console.SleepDelayMinutes=5 Console.DozeDelay=2 Console.AutoRetryCount=5 Console.SleepStartThresholdSeconds=25 Console.AppReadyRegex=^Server\s+is\s+ready\.$ Console.UserJoinRegex=^User\s+(?<username>.+)\s+\((?<userid>.+)\)\s+connected\s+from\s+\[(?<endpoint>.+)\]$ Console.UserLeaveRegex=^User\s+(?<username>.+)\s+\((?<userid>.+)\)\s+disconnected\.\s+Reason:\s+.*$ Console.UserChatRegex=^(?<username>.+):\s+(?<message>.+)$ Meta.OS=2 Meta.ConfigManifest=mumble-serverconfig.json Meta.MetaConfigManifest=mumble-servermetaconfig.json Meta.ConfigRoot=mumble-server.kvp App.RootDir=./mumble-server/ Meta.DisplayImageSource=url= App.BaseDirectory=./mumble-server/serverfiles/ App.WorkingDir=serverfiles App.ExecutableWin=serverfiles\ App.ExecutableLinux=/usr/sbin/murmurd App.LinuxCommandLineArgs= App.Ports=@IncludeJson[mumble-serverports.json] App.UpdateSources=@IncludeJson[mumble-serverupdates.json] Errors= isValid=true App.EnvironmentVariables={"LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "{{$FullBaseDir}}linux64:{{$FullRootDir}}linux64:%LD_LIBRARY_PATH%", "WINEPREFIX": "{{$>

CTRL+O (om op te slaan) CTRL+X (om af te sluiten)

su -

sudo chown -R amp:amp /home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ADS01/Plugins/ADSModule sudo chmod -R 755 /home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ADS01/Plugins/ADSModule

sudo mkdir -p /home/amp/.ampdata/logs sudo chown -R amp:amp /home/amp/.ampdata/logs sudo chmod -R 755 /home/amp/.ampdata/logs

restart and no Mumble :(

Greelan commented 4 weeks ago

How do you configure the server? The wiki seems to be down

IceOfWraith commented 4 weeks ago

This is the most guide I had found.

Greelan commented 4 weeks ago

I've got some ideas about how to do this

Deojuvente commented 4 weeks ago

The official Mumble install on Linux Debian, Mumble should be available in the official repositories:



Debian To install Mumble from the Debian Repository, run:

apt-get install mumble For the Mumble-Server, run:

apt-get install mumble-server

Note: The mumble-server-Package on Debian and Debian-based distributions (i.a. Ubuntu) will start automatically on system-start. You can disable the autostart with systemd. You find details in the file "README.Debian".

On PTERODACTYL PANEL there have a egg for it. Is this helping?

@Greelan nice is there a way i can help?

Greelan commented 4 weeks ago

I've got a draft template in my dev branch.

On Windows, you need to install the server separately, and the template currently assumes it is installed on the same drive as AMP.

On Linux, if you use docker, the mumble-server package will be installed in the container when the instance is started (causing a bit of a delay before the instance can be managed). Otherwise you need to install the mumble server on the host. The template assumes the executable is /usr/sbin/murmurd.

I will probably at some point add a UI setting to allow different executable paths to be specified.

Note that on Linux the server can give console output. On Windows it only logs to a file.

Deojuvente commented 4 weeks ago

I added the 4 files to ADSModle/GenericTemplates and restared but i dont see the template in the list of Instances. So I also try to Instance Management add Greelan/AMPTemplates/tree/dev same thing. what i am doing rong here?

Greelan commented 4 weeks ago

Delete everything you have done. Add Greelan/AMPTemplates:dev to your config repos and fetch latest

You might need to delete the other dir created in ADS01/Plugins/ADSModule/DeploymentTemplates first

Deojuvente commented 4 weeks ago

oohhh nice job men. Works like a Charm Thank you so much..!!

I only have 1 small error and its a SHA-1 but i need to look in to this me zelf first :) I get the message when i connect with client to server i can skip it but hey where is the fun in that.

@Greelan can you tell me the server you used? is it from the official Mumble? i have the idee its a older version.

Greelan commented 3 weeks ago

Depends on how you are using the template. If using docker, the server is simply installed in the container from the Debian package repo when the instance is started. So whatever version is available on Debian 12 is installed.

Outside of docker, you have to install the server yourself on Linux via your host distro package manager. On Windows you also have to install yourself using the mumble MSI installer.

Greelan commented 3 weeks ago

It looks like the version available in the Debian 12 repo is 1.3.4:

So that may be the issue you are seeing.

The template doesn't build the server from source or use the mumble docker image. Ideally mumble would supply pre-built binaries or an AppImage on their GH repo, but they don't.

Deojuvente commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, that's correct, it's indeed in version 1.3.4 now. So if I understand correctly, as soon as Mumble performs an update on their GitHub repo, I can simply execute the update in AMP using the update and start option?

Greelan commented 3 weeks ago

Only for windows. They don't make Linux binaries available on their repo. Updates will entirely depend on your distro package manager, or the Debian 12 package manager if using docker.

I've posted an issue on the mumble repo asking for them to make AppImages available for Linux, which would overcome this issue.

Greelan commented 3 weeks ago

And they immediately closed my issue lol

regchanuk commented 2 weeks ago

hi wanted to add Super User password reset

Mumble\server\mumble-server.exe -ini "C:\Program Files\Mumble\server\murmur.ini" -supw yourpassword

from windows