CubeCoders / ConfuserEx-Reborn

An open-source, free protector for .NET applications
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MissingMethodException raises in my confused assembly with .Net 3.5 #16

Open magneticcore opened 6 years ago

magneticcore commented 6 years ago

I target my assembly containing controls for Visual Studio to .Net 3.5 with license support (

After confusing it with ConfuserEx 1.0.0 (anti-tamper and constants), when the license is validated in Visual Studio, my assembly raises a MissingMethodException on Boolean System.Reflection.MethodInfo.op_Inequality(MethodInfo, MethodInfo) that is only included since .Net 4.0.

Without confusing it or confusing it with .Net 4.0 or 4.5, my assembly works normally. Note: I built ConfuserEx with .Net 4.0

Where in the source code can I find this kind of problem?

Thank you.

Jimmytbane commented 6 years ago

Hey, nice to hear you found a fix/workaround. Which is to use both a 4+ build of ConfuserEx and a 4+ built CLR, if I understand correctly? I think you might be able to get this issue to go away by building ConfuserEx with 3.5? Perhaps this way it will not throw an exception from 4. This may be impossible if ConfuserEx is not compatible with 3.5, but maybe you can modify it if you are very proficient in 3.5