CubeStatistica / Professional-Training-for-Data-Science-C1

Online-Professional-Training-for-Data-Science-Using-R (OPTDSUR) Professional-Training-for-Data-Science-C1
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Week 3: Divide every set into X and Y for example X_train , Y_train and X_test , Y_test #94

Open javariaqayyum opened 1 year ago

javariaqayyum commented 1 year ago

these three are separated into target variable features and label in the code as follows:

  1. y_train (n_train x 1) and X_train (n_train x p) =
  2. y_test (n_test x 1) and X_test (n_test x p)
  3. y_val (n_val x 1) and X_val (n_val x p)
javariaqayyum commented 1 year ago