As a User, I want to receive an email when my documents and account has been approved
John has uploaded documents to be reviewed and approved before he can go further in the signup process. When ever the document has been approved he should get an email letting him know it has been approved and he can proceed.
John uploaded his document and exited the app, hours later he sees a notification from his email with a message from cubeseed informing him that his document has been reviewed or his account has been approved
As a User, I want to receive an email when my documents and account has been approved
Happenings: John has uploaded documents to be reviewed and approved before he can go further in the signup process. When ever the document has been approved he should get an email letting him know it has been approved and he can proceed.
Scenario: John uploaded his document and exited the app, hours later he sees a notification from his email with a message from cubeseed informing him that his document has been reviewed or his account has been approved