CucHuynh / qbb2023-answers

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Week 9 Feedback #10

Open dtaylo95 opened 12 months ago

dtaylo95 commented 12 months ago

Python script to run DE analysis


Exercise Points Possible Grade
Implementation of manual DE test 1 1
Manual DE test on all genes 1 1
Code to do FDR correction 1 1
Running PyDESeq2 on all genes 1 1
Overlap between methods 1 0.75
Code to produce volcano plot 1 0.75

I think the way you're calculating Jaccard index isn't quite right. We want to calculate n_genes_sig_in_both_analyses / n_genes_sig_in_either_analysis. It looks like you're calculating the numerator correctly (the intersection between the two gene sets): We want the denominator to be the union of the two gene sets. Currently you're calculating the denominator as the number of genes significant in the homemade analysis plus the number of genes significant in the deseq2 analysis, but this will double count any genes that are significant in both.

Your volcano plot looks great but we asked you to only highlight points with padj <0.1 (which you did) AND whose abs(log2FoldChange) > 1 (which you did not do). with answers to questions


Exercise Points Possible Grade
Jaccard index overlap between methods 1 1

Output text files


Exercise Points Possible Grade
List of DE genes in manual test 1 1
List of DE genes in PyDESeq2 test 1 1

Pretty plots


Exercise Points Possible Grade
Exercise 2 Volcano plot 1 1


Total: 9.5/10

Great work! Feel free to fix those two minor issues and resubmit!

dtaylo95 commented 11 months ago

Regrade 12/15/2023

I updated the rubric above. Current grade: 9.5/10

Great work! Feel free to fix those two small things and resubmit for the full 10/10