CucHuynh / qbb2023-answers

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Week 5 Feedback #7

Closed schidambaran closed 8 months ago

schidambaran commented 10 months ago

Please submit your assignment for week 5.

Bash script that performs read alignment and variant calling/filtering/annotation


Exercise Points Possible Grade
Read alignment 1 1
Variant calling 1 0.75
Filtering and annotation 1 1

VCF file containing the first 100 lines of your filtered/annotated VCF from Step 2.4


Python script that runs exploratory analysis of VCF from Step 2.4


Exercise Points Possible Grade
Code to parse VCF file 2 1.75
Code to produce multi-panel plot 2 2

Nicely formatted and labeled multi-panel plot showing summaries of exploratory analysis


Total: 9/10

Great work! For full credit: