CueMol / cuemol2

CueMol: Molecular Visualization Framework
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Bug Hunting – Cuemol2: Molecular Visualization Framework, Changing Cell Dimension Symmetry cause the program does not respond and then Cuemol2.exe stops working ! #194

Closed emirfirlar closed 6 years ago

emirfirlar commented 6 years ago

Ekran Alıntısı1.JPG

Expected behavior

Changing Cell Dimension Symmetry

Actual behavior

The program does not respond and then Cuemol2.exe stops working

How to reproduce

    I was using Cuemol2. I downloaded file by using PDB feature. I did 200 Angström by using Symm Mol feature. Then i clicked Change Symmetry. I made change in Cell Dimension. I wrote 0.52 instead of 95.52. When i clicked to ok button, Cuemol2.exe does not respond and then Cuemol2.exe stops working !

    I am following this process while making this error:

   This bug causes the program to stop working and shutdown itself, it should be fixed.

Recording Of The Bug


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ishitani commented 6 years ago

Changing the cell constant to 0.1 will results in too many symmetry operators generated within 200 angstroms. Such situation is abnormal, but possibly occurs by error of user input. To avoid this situation, I limited the number of symops generated in the symm renderer by "maxops" property of the symm renderer. The default value is 1000, which might be large enough for normal applications.

emirfirlar commented 6 years ago

thank you for informing.