CueMol / cuemol2

CueMol: Molecular Visualization Framework
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Bug Hunting – Cuemol2: Molecular Visualization Framework, “Interaction Analysis ”tool error ! #197

Closed emirfirlar closed 6 years ago

emirfirlar commented 6 years ago

Ekran Alıntısı.JPG

Expected behavior

Interaction Analysis Calculation

Actual behavior

Interaction Analysis not Responding short-time

How to reproduce

    I loaded the file. Then i opened Interaction Analysis. I changed Min Distance by 0.5. I changed Max Distance by 4.5. I changed Max labels by 1. Then i clikced to Ok button. When i clicked anywhere Interaction analysis tool didn’t respond short time. Then, it has responded and calculated.

    I am following this process while making this error:

    This bug causes the Interaction Analysis tool stops working short time. If you force the program in the meantime, the program will crash. So it should be fixed.

Recording Of The Bug


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ishitani commented 6 years ago

This is not a bug, but an expected behavior. Interaction detection requires much time depending on the parameters.

emirfirlar commented 6 years ago

i understand, thank you for informing