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The first day in github #1

Open CuiAobo opened 7 years ago

CuiAobo commented 7 years ago

Daily feelings 今天是2017年3月14日,总觉得应该有一个小树洞的存在来记录一些我这个小程序猿的故事。这里还很方便的吧。 优秀的人总是好多好多,害怕自己被落下,所以想要拼命奔跑,学英语,作比赛,好像也不怎么疲倦,可能也真的效率低?我也不是太清楚,冷静下来的时候总在纠结向左还是向右的问题,可能我到最后也只能慢慢走吧,不想心变硬,也不想错过很多人,发现有趣的东西就去执着追求好啦,既然已经踏上了一条又一条不那么简单的船就努力地去专心做好一件又一件吧。研究各种东西,加油,小工科女!

English time renege 食言 When you go out to make other's a day, you've also find a path to self-satisfaction. bring bliss to sb

CuiAobo commented 7 years ago

Now I am preparing for TOEFL examination, so that I might accumulate a lot of appropriate expression every day. I would like to record my trace here, such as making up some little fantasy stories using new words I have just learned. Come to my world! Long long ago, there is a rabbit lives in vicinity to her family, however her parents are always critical of her lifestyle and even overstep. Let's see what happened last week, it was at family gathering, her parents putted the rabbit down in front of so many relatives, which made little rabbit so sad and their relationship also came to an end. After that, her parents reflected for a while and realized that they have spilled over into their mature danghter's private life, in this case, they pull out the stops to find their kid. Finally, they all admit their mistakes to each other and little rabbit went back home. After that, they lived in a more harmonious life. Who can say that event not have a positive aspect?