CuiRuikai / Partial2Complete

[ICCV 2023] P2C: Self-Supervised Point Cloud Completion from Single Partial Clouds
MIT License
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Question about point cloud render method #19

Open kefusong opened 1 month ago

kefusong commented 1 month ago

The 2D renderings of the point clouds in your paper's image look very beautiful. Could you please share how to generate such images? I have just started working with 3D point clouds, and I appreciate your help !

CuiRuikai commented 1 month ago

I have updated the repo. Please see

You can also use blender to render point clouds like what we did in our recent paper: Figure 4 It is more controllable than using the rendering script. The instruction of blender is

kefusong commented 1 month ago

Thank you !