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drgeo tag 23.12a-beta BrowserWindow doesNotUnderstand openBrowser problem #273

Closed cstes closed 4 months ago

cstes commented 4 months ago

It seems that the drgeo repository has a tag called 23.12a-beta which I think is the most recent release of drgeo.

Should this not be a separate git branch please ? I don't see branches, only the main branch, and one git tag.

When I git checkout 23.12q-beta , the README indicates a method to use Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev and the script , which I hope to be able to use for Cuis 6.3 rolling release.

However the script still points to Cuis6.0-nnnn.image and not a Cuis6.3-nnnn.image

When I use the fileList in Cuis to file in drgeo, this seems partly succesful, I am able to run DrGeoSystem beDevelopment after filing in DrGeo.

However I still get a doesNotUnderstand message, this time for BrowserWindow which complains that it has no implementation for the openBrowser message.

So I am unsure I am following the right setup procedure.

There is a tag in Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev called BaseForCuis6.2 which contains the old Cuis6.0-nnnn.image but I'd rather use the Cuis6.3-nnnn.image if possible.

Thanks David Stes

jvuletich commented 4 months ago

This issue tracker is for Cuis issues, not DrGeo. Please contact Hilaire (DrGeo creator) for a better place for this. In any case, the Cuis mail list is an appropriate place for this. But not this issue tracker. Thanks