Closed gamecubate closed 1 year ago
I suspect that the script is run prior to the WorldMorph >> recreateDefaultDesktop message is sent.
Fixed by invoking self runningWorld doOneCycle.
before the window deletion block.
| list morph |
self runningWorld doOneCycle.
"Delete all windows but the taskbar"
list := UISupervisor ui submorphs reject: [:aMorph | aMorph is: #TaskbarMorph].
list do: [:each | each delete].
"Change to Dark theme"
Feature require: #'Theme-Themes'.
DarkTheme beCurrent.
"Adjust font size"
Preferences at: #guiElementsSize put: #smallFonts.
"Adjust taskbar size"
morph := UISupervisor ui taskbar.
morph scale: 1 / 2.
Display fullScreenMode: true.
Closing (non) issue
Launching Squeak+Cuis (latest image) from the command line (macOS 13.0.1) thus:
where contents are:
results in a successful changing of the theme but an unsuccessful deletion of the default About Cuis and Transcript windows.