Open testa19 opened 7 years ago
It seems like it conflicts with: gem "rails3-jquery-autocomplete" gem "meta-tags" gem "twitter-bootstrap-rails" gem 'activeadmin', github: 'activeadmin' gem 'inherited_resources', github: 'activeadmin/inherited_resources'
Like @testa19 reported, the problem could be in gem leather-3.5.1
. I found a possible solution
I modified :
like the above link indicates:
helper_method :current_tab, :current_tab?
if respond_to?(:helper_method)
helper_method :current_tab, :current_tab?
and the bug disappeared.
For those who come late: I solved the problem adding this to the Gemfile:
gem 'leather', git: ''
The original author of the gem merged this change, but didn't publish it yet as a gem
Hi there,
I'm getting this error after adding Storytime gem to my app's gemfile. Rails 5.
block in <module:ActionControllerExtension>': undefined method
helper_method' for ActionController::API:Class (NoMethodError)Thanks