This is a template for project managers to report their weekly progress. Please fill out the following sections. You can also include any additional information that you think is relevant.
Project Manager Weekly Report
Weekly Checklist
[✓ ] Created a weekly report for the group project
[✓] Updated the project board
[✓] Checked in with team members
[✓] Assigned tasks for the upcoming week
[✓] Close issue once the weekly tasks are completed
Weekly Summary:
Try to answer the following questions as best you can, though you are welcome to keep it brief and in bullet points.
What were the goals for this week for the group project?
-Instructor feedback told us that scraping from baseball-reference was against the terms of service, so we needed to find a source that contains the historical information that we need, but also allows scraping.
-Find tools for webscraping
-Create a more concrete definition of the digital object that we are studying.
What has been accomplished?
-Identified the baseball savant API.
-Found an open source project for scraping baseball websites' data.
-Identified our particular digital object: The record and cultural impact of a baseball game.
Any problems or issues that need resolving?
-The open source project that we found provides resources for scraping baseball-reference.... We need to investigate the legality.
Next Week's Goals:
Try to answer the following questions as best you can, though you are welcome to keep it brief and in bullet points.
What are the goals for the upcoming week?
-Identify a LEGAL method to get historical baseball data.
-Begin the web scraping process on baseball-savant.
-Create a format for the scraped data, begin putting it into a database for analysis
Who is assigned to what tasks?
-Nick, Yosef, Ethan -- Web scraping, formatting, database
-Jason, Kohta, Sam -- Identifying sources, cross reference information to ensure accuracy. Identify more sources (other historical leagues?)
This is a template for project managers to report their weekly progress. Please fill out the following sections. You can also include any additional information that you think is relevant.
Project Manager Weekly Report
Weekly Checklist
Weekly Summary:
Try to answer the following questions as best you can, though you are welcome to keep it brief and in bullet points.
Next Week's Goals:
Try to answer the following questions as best you can, though you are welcome to keep it brief and in bullet points.
Notes/Additional Information:
Optional additional information