Cuperino / QPrompt-Teleprompter

Teleprompter software for all video creators. Built with ease of use, productivity, control accuracy, and smooth performance in mind.
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Pull live JSON data from API into prompter #141

Open IVEN2022 opened 1 year ago

IVEN2022 commented 1 year ago

Is there a way to make Qprompt take data directly from live Json api url feed , I hope this can be possible

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

Could you expand more into your use case?

There are plans to include networking features in 2023-2024, such adding a rest API for remote controlling QPrompt and triggering HTTP requests when programmable events take place. But I need to understand your use case better so needs can be appropriately met.

IVEN2022 commented 1 year ago

well since we use some software to write the news segments on it , a rest Json API feed can contain the data that we need to put on the qprompet , so it only needs to ready the data from the live api feed , so when ever we change the data in the api feed , the qprompet will be auto updated .

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

I see. Do you know if the JSON from the news API is pushed into other software's IP addresses, or if QPrompt would have to pull it periodically?

Also, could you attach a sample of said JSON? It's just to have an idea of what values QPrompt would need to read, and how could we make this easy to configure.

IVEN2022 commented 1 year ago

yes json is already pushed via ip no need for Qprompt to pull it , just need to read it , here is a raw data of the json api , if you need more info please let me know

Cuperino commented 1 year ago


Copy pasting here in case the pastebin ever goes down:

[{"id":1514,"HeadLine":"Germany coup plot: The extremists who tried to topple the state","SubLine":"Three alpaca stared bleakly at us as we rounded what seemed like the umpteenth sharp bend along the rural roads of the east German region of east Thuringia.","Location":"BERLIN","Headline_Image":false},{"id":1510,"HeadLine":"Lockerbie bombing suspect in US custody","SubLine":"A Libyan man accused of making the bomb which destroyed Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie 34 years ago is in United States custody, Scottish authorities have said.","Location":"Lockerbie","Headline_Image":false}]

How does this sound to you?

IVEN2022 commented 1 year ago

well you suggestion is great , since all the documents instead of to be in a file , the full document is brought via the json feed , since in on our news editor software , we can organized what to be sent to the api feed , and also by Order. , when we remove the data from the feed ( data status : OFFAIR ) then the api feed will contains nothing , only data that is STATUS: ON AIR will be sent to the feed , so in short , imaging the full news document is in that feed ,organized and in order , all is needed is that the QP to read the feed lets say each 1 second , the QP will send get request , this way anything is updated or corrected or added to the news feed will be on the QP on the fly

IVEN2022 commented 1 year ago

oh i hope this is not 2023-2024 project , this is long time

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

Software development takes time, and there's a lot of testing involved. I'm also the only developer currently working on QPrompt, and I have a full time job as a software developer, that doesn't involve QPrompt.

I will add this request to a poll that I'm making for Patreon supporters. Patreons determine which features I should work on next. Your support on Patreon won't make a drastic difference in the timeline, but it's still welcome and would give you early access to binaries with the new features as they're developed.

QPrompt's Patreon page:

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

More points for reference:

videosmith commented 1 year ago

Not as efficient as the suggested api, however as a crude alternative, could Qprompt periodically poll or be triggered to scan a loaded html source document for changes in modification time, then automatically load the changed version in a buffer and swap with current script matching the scroll position (assuming no changes are implemented prior to the current scroll position)?

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

Well, as you're probably aware @videosmith, that is already a feature QPrompt has. Local documents are listened for changes, and when another program edits them, they're reloaded automatically. When the document reloads, the prompter's position is maintained.

I don't know if this will work with files being read from a Network Attached Storage... I haven't set one up.

The drawbacks from our current implementation are the following:

QPrompt versions prior to 1.1.2 also have the following issue:

IVEN2022 commented 1 year ago

nice , the milestone is getting faster , i hope it will be available soon

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

As you can see, some infrastructure is already in place, but as I mentioned previously, this is likely to not be usable for a year or two.

I'll keep this issue up to date as milestones are accomplished. Once a feature is added, you can build the code to test or use it, or download one of the early access pre-releases Patreons have access to (which I should start posting in February, after the latest bug fix release for 1.1.x is out, which I'm planning to release on Monday.).

IVEN2022 commented 1 year ago

My god , """"""""""" this is likely to not be usable for a year or two""""""" Year or two . wow this is so much time to update a feature ,""
maybe not on my time , i will not be on this world in 2 years , so yeah .

Cuperino commented 1 year ago

I'm very sorry to hear that. I'll see what I can do.

Code contributions are welcome. It's just that there's a large backlog of requested features and little time for me to work on them (mostly some weekends).