Cuperino / QPrompt-Teleprompter

Teleprompter software for all video creators. Built with ease of use, productivity, control accuracy, and smooth performance in mind.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Setting multiple target duration values for distinct sections of text #70

Open Bryum opened 2 years ago

Bryum commented 2 years ago


I came across QPrompt when looking for a Linux counterpart to OpenSongApp for Android, to manage and autoscroll chord/tab/lyric files for songs.

There does not seem to exist a dedicated open-source Linux songbook program. QPrompt could do the essence if one feature were added: setting the expected duration of the loaded song (or any kind of content) in advance, with relevant variables like velocity and step speed being smartly adjusted by the program.

I imagine this could be handy for any text where the reading duration is approximately known in advance.

It's a very neatly designed program already. Many, many thanks for sharing your work!

Cuperino commented 2 years ago

User @HansVanNeck also suggested a similar functionality on issue His proposition is to have users specify desired words per minute or lines per minute, to have QPrompt dynamically adjust velocity for the users.

Pavonine Teleprompter, mentioned by @avlinkus on issue, provides functionality similar to what you're describing under "further refinement". Sadly it's Mac only.

I imagine this could be handy for any text where the reading duration is approximately known in advance. This could be achieved by adding some metadata to each paragraph.

I personally wasn't planning on adding the ability to manually set the duration of a paragraph, as I think this kind of feature is better suited for karaoke software and not teleprompter software. But your request reminded me of one time when I operated the teleprompter for a concert and, it would've been useful to have a feature like this then.

Please note that although I'm adding "Setting multiple target duration values for distinct sections of text" feature to the list, I probably won't get to this until years later due to structural changes required and other features currently having greater priority.

If anyone wants to help add this, please reach out to me on this thread or over at