Cuperino / QPrompt-Teleprompter

Teleprompter software for all video creators. Built with ease of use, productivity, control accuracy, and smooth performance in mind.
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Text formatting issue #76

Closed videosmith closed 2 years ago

videosmith commented 2 years ago

Bold formatting of text not persistent when script saved/reloaded

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Select text
  2. Apply Bold formatting
  3. Save and reload script, Bold formatting lost

Expected behavior Script should retain Bold attributes as it does with color, underscore, italics, etc.

Detailed description of display configuration (if applicable) Raspberry Pi 4, single HDMI monitor mode, 720p

Device information

Cuperino commented 2 years ago

I'm having trouble replicating this issue... What font are you using for the bold text in your document? Also, what format is the document saved as?

videosmith commented 2 years ago

The default font for your app on RPi/Debian. I will check are reply. HTML Would uploading a project help?

Cuperino commented 2 years ago

It might. If you could also upload before and after pictures, that too could help.

videosmith commented 2 years ago

Pic 1. Your default script Pic 2. Bold attribute added to selected text, saved as HTML file Pic 3. Reloaded HTML file.

Interestingly, if you open the HTML file in Writer or a browser, the Bold Formatting is retained correctly... perhaps a setting on my install?

1 2 3

Cuperino commented 2 years ago

When you go into QPrompt's about page, what version of QPrompt, KDE Frameworks, and Qt do you see?

Here's an example: Screenshot_20220316_211834

Cuperino commented 2 years ago

Also, could you re-upload the HTML. The zip file seems not to contain the file.

I ask for all this because I'm still unable to replicate the issue, even on my Raspberry Pi the bold formatting is preserved when saving the document as HTML.

videosmith commented 2 years ago

Font is Deja vu 20220317_162609

Cuperino commented 2 years ago

Hello @videosmith,

I've replicated every single factor I can think of and am still unable to replicate this issue. This leads me to believe there's nothing wrong with QPrompt, nor with the version of Qt and KDE Frameworks shipped with Raspberry Pi OS, nor the DejaVu font...

The only possibility left in my mind is one of the installers may have been corrupted at some point. This is unlikely, but possible nonetheless. A bit may have flipped during transit while downloading, or while flashing the SD Card or copying QPrompt's deb package from one medium to another. The only way to be certain that your downloads are fine is to perform a checksum and compare the output to checksums provided by the people providing these files.

I recommend that you run a checksum on your downloads to ensure the integrity of each. Here are the checksum values to QPrompt 1.0.0's arm64 deb installer. You can find the checksum values for Raspberry Pi OS at their ISO download page, under "Show SHA256 file integrity hash". I used a program called gtkhash to generate these hashes from within my Raspberry Pi.

# File: qprompt-1.0.0-Linux-aarch64.deb
# MD5
# SHA1
# SHA256


videosmith commented 2 years ago

I believe you were correct, I wiped the drive an re-installed everything using Raspberry Pi 64 bit OS. The Bold attribute now reloads with the saved file as expected. Appreciate the guidance.

One curiosity, when launching QPrompt from a Terminal window, several notifications appear, are these something to be concerned over? errors

Cuperino commented 2 years ago

You're welcome!

There's nothing to be concerned about. Most of those messages are warnings indicating that that the Kirigami framework is performing certain actions (use of QML Connections, among other things) in old fashioned ways, and that unless it starts doing things in more modern ways, said code will break when using future versions of the Qt Framework.

Most of the Kirigami framework issues are gone in its most current version, at the time of writing.

There are also warnings regarding a few of mistakes in my code:

qrc:/Prompter.qml:459:13: QML TextArea: Binding loop detected for property "font.letterSpacing"
  1. The previous line indicates updates to letter spacing may be one step behind when you adjust the spacing between letters. This would be a harmless bug if it manifested itself. In practice, it never even occurs.
<Unknown File>: QML QQuickAnchors*: Binding loop detected for property "bottomMargin"
  1. The previous line indicates the height of an unknown component may end up incorrect during unknown circumstances. I already know the circumstance is resizing a window, because I was working on that when the bug first appeared, but I haven't figured out which of many components I worked on that day has the issue. I'd need to use specialized debugging software like GammaRay to pinpoint the issue; and so far, like the previous bug, it never seems to manifest itself on screen.
QVariant::load: unable to load type 1111.
  1. This line indicates there's a setting that could not be saved or loaded property. I think it's related to the spacing between letters adjustment.