Cuprate / cuprate

Cuprate, an upcoming experimental, modern & secure monero node. Written in Rust
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In house transaction and block types (wrappers) #191

Open Boog900 opened 1 week ago

Boog900 commented 1 week ago


Currently we are using monero-serai directly across multiple crates, this proposal is to create wrapper types in types that we use across crates instead.


This will allow us to do things like caching the tx hash, we currently do this in the consensus crates, however we also calculate tx hashes in the block downloader, which isn't cached.


types and anywhere currently using monero-serai


Right now monero-serai is planning a big change to their transaction type seen as we are going to have to make (a lot of) changes for this it makes sense to do this at the same time

kayabaNerve commented 1 week ago

Not to say you shouldn't add a wrapper struct, yet I'm curious the argument against localized hashes.

Hash a TX as it comes in, store said hash with the TX.

Is the argument that the wrapper, despite being a wrapper, would offer better overall UX and prevent cache misses across distinct areas? If you use the Deref types as Box does, it should be quite seamless I think...

Boog900 commented 1 week ago

yes, mainly for UX. I am also considering only exposing the necessary API for Cuprate on the the types although I don't really think the benefits are there.