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Progress and Governance of the monero-serai Crate #192

Open kayabaNerve opened 2 weeks ago

kayabaNerve commented 2 weeks ago

monero-serai started as a wrapper around monero, by monero-rs, for me to implement a FROST-inspired multisig for Monero. I used C bindings to libringct to make the associated proofs necessary for the complete transaction. As monero was unwieldly, I removed it. As libringct and a C FFI was unwieldy, I removed it. Later, dangerousfreedom came along and expressed interest in using monero-serai for validating Bulletproofs (due to poor performance in Python at the time, a task they recently undertook at the Monerokon hackathon). And then Cuprate came along.

It's clear monero-serai is no longer just a way to make multisignature Monero transactions in Rust. It is a dependency of the ecosystem, more and more as wallets express interest and apps start being built around it. This raises the questions of how it should be maintained so that it's not just to my preference, and the necessary standards, yet amenable and accessible to everyone.

Recently, I've been working on getting monero-serai to a 1.0. This has involved:

I've mentioned the breaking changes in the Cuprate room, in order to let y'all know and ensure they're amenable. I don't expect a response until a PR attempting the full move-over is complete. I'll even personally note Transaction as an enum is annoying (though it does prevent some edge cases, which I do appreciate).

So not only do I want to discuss monero-serai's 1.0, with a stable API, yet also the future of deciding how it's API (and internals) evolves. I'd also like to discuss testing monero-serai, as necessary for confidence in a 1.0 (potentially upstreaming tests from Cuprate? I'd also be fine writing an independent test suite).

I will note that with regards to the idea of handing over monero-serai to Cuprate (one potential option given Cuprate's position in the Monero Rust ecosystem, and Monero protocol ecosystem) is likely something I'm against. monero-serai will be the backbone of Serai's Monero integration, and accordingly responsible for its safety and proper happening. I am not at a position I'd trust that responsibility, and liability, to the Cuprate project. I'd also note I wouldn't offer a bug bounty over such a library (as I plan to do with monero-serai under Serai). Despite that, I'm not against potentially moving monero-serai out of Serai (if given sufficient reason), and I'm not against discussions of rules for its maintenance (wherever it's placed).

If the sane option is to simply agree on a 1.0 API and a length of time without breaking changes, barring security issues, that'd also be fine. Everything is on the table, and I look forward to discussing the best options :)

Boog900 commented 2 weeks ago

I'll start by saying how much I appreciate monero-serai, it really is a great crate. Initially Cuprate also used monero-rs, very soon in development we decide to move over to monero-serai instead.

Now, Cuprate (a Monero community project) relying on monero-serai as heavily as we are now is not ideal in my opinion. Although monero-serai is intended to be widely usable, its primary purpose is currently (and rightfully) Serai, this puts us in a pretty awkward position if a change was made to improve monero-serai for Serai but negatively impacts Cuprate's usage.

IMO having monero-serai as a separate project, not under Serai, would be an improvement there. Having a separate repo for monero-serai also better shows it as a standalone product, although that may just be how I would see it.

As for testing, this is also something Cuprate needs to improve on. I don't think we have any that just cover monero-serai, they would all be also testing Cuprate functionality so they can't be easily upstreamed. I would be happy to help to improve test coverage of monero-serai though.

For 1.0 API I'll probably have some ideas as I work on moving Cuprate over to the new API.

Regarding having Transaction as an enum, I think it might make sense to separate the proofs/ signatures out into an enum, and have Transaction be a struct of the prefix and the proofs enum?

kayabaNerve commented 2 weeks ago

Although monero-serai is intended to be widely usable, its primary purpose is currently (and rightfully) Serai,

I disagree with this, especially since the new crate smashing kicks all the wallet code out. monero-serai proper should be a portable Monero library. Its safety standards/design policy does align with Serai, as it was built under Serai, yet I also chose those for a reason and can't object to them.

Handling Transaction/proofs like that doesn't work on my first pass. You either: 1) Have a prefix with a version distinct from the proofs 2) Use the proofs to determine the version, yet then can't determine the version of miner TXs without reintroducing RctType::Null which had its own issues

I'll also clarify, in case it wasn't clear_ the API I'm currently refining to is my candidate for the 1.0 API. Further ideas/suggestions still suggested, of course :) Yet that isn't what I want to do next. It's what I'm doing now.

hinto-janai commented 1 week ago

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