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Internal data needed for `cuprated`'s RPC #279

Open hinto-janai opened 1 week ago

hinto-janai commented 1 week ago


This is a discussion for what data is required for cuprated's RPC system.

Notably, this is:

The following tables (except the general process state) are newly proposed requests/responses to be added to each system's tower::Service API such that the RPC system can fulfill the request. The RPC system is assumed to have read access (and write access where needed) to all systems via tower::Service handles.


Request Response Needed for Description
PopBlocks(u64) u64 /pop_blocks Pop n blocks, return the new height
Prune TODO prune_blockchain Prune the blockchain
Pruned bool prune_blockchain Is the blockchain pruned?
Block(u64) Block get_block Retrieve block information
BlockByHash([u8; 32]) Block get_block Same as Block; for convenience
TopBlock Block Get the latest Block, Same as Block; for convenience
TopBlockExtendedHeader ExtendedBlockHeader Get the latest ExtendedBlockHeader; for convenience
KeyImageSpent([u8; 32]) bool /is_key_image_spent Singular version of already existing KeyImagesSpent
TopBlockFull (Block, ExtendedBlockHeader) get_last_block_header Get information on the last block to map to cuprate_rpc_types::misc::BlockHeader
TopBlockHash [u8; 32] get_info Get the top block hash.
TotalTxCount u64 get_info Get the total amount of non-coinbase transactions; cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetInfoResponse::tx_count
DatabaseSize (u64, u64) get_info Return byte size of database file and available space for cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetInfoResponse::{database_size,free_space}
BlockWeightLimit u64 get_info cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetInfoResponse::block_weight_limit
BlockWeightMedian u64 get_info cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetInfoResponse::block_weight_median
Difficulty(usize) u128 get_info Difficulty for a specific block (input = height) cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetInfoResponse::difficulty[_top64]
CurrentHardFork HardFork hard_fork_info Retrieve the latest HardFork
HardForkInfo(Hardfork) HardForkInfo hard_fork_info Retrieve various information about a hardfork; cuprate_rpc_types::json::HardForkInfoResponse;;;
OutputHistogram OutputHistogram get_output_histogram
CoinbaseTxSum CoinbaseTxSum get_coinbase_tx_sum
FeeEstimate(grace_blocks: u64) TODO get_fee_estimate TODO: Impl of dynamic fees required:
MinerData TODO get_miner_data
TODO TODO get_alternate_chains TODO

Transaction pool

Request Response Needed for Description
Backlog Vec<TxBacklogEntry> get_txpool_backlog Get misc information on all transactions in the pool.
PoolSize u64 get_info Number of transactions that have been broadcast but not included in a block; cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetInfoResponse::tx_pool_size
Flush(Vec<[u8; 32]>) () flush_txpool Flush the given transaction hashes from the txpool (all if Vec is empty).


Request Response Needed for Description
RelayBlock(Block) () submit_block Relay a found block
ConnectionInfo P2P connection data get_connections Must map into cuprate_rpc_types::misc::ConnectionInfo
Syncing bool get_info cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetInfoResponse::busy_syncing
Synced bool get_info cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetInfoResponse::synchronized
Target u64 get_info cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetInfoResponse::target
TargetHeight u64 get_info cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetInfoResponse::target_height
PeerlistSize (u64, u64) get_info cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetInfoResponse::{white,grey}_peerlist_size
ConnectionCount (u64, u64) get_info cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetInfoResponse::{incoming,outgoing}_connections_count
SetBan(cuprate_rpc_types::json::SetBanRequest) () set_ban (Un)ban an IP for n seconds
GetBan cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetBan banned Get information about a single ban
GetBans Vec<cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetBan> get_ban Get information about all bans

cuprated state

There is extra state the RPC needs on the more global binary/process level.

This is state that makes sense as global statics on the cuprated-level (or some library exposed to all).

Static Type Needed for Description
START_INSTANT, START_INSTANT_UNIX SystemTime, u64 get_info Start time of daemon; cuprate_rpc_types::json::GetInfoResponse::start_time
Boog900 commented 5 days ago


PopBlocks(u64) This will be a request for the blockchain manager.
Prune This should be left as a TODO
Pruned The could just return false for now until we decide on how pruning will be done.
TopBlock The could be a request to the context cache to get the blockchain context and then a request to the DB with the top block height
TopBlockExtendedHeader Same as above
TopBlockHash The blockchain context cache can already give this information.
BlockWeightLimit The blockchain context cache can already give this information.
BlockWeightMedian The blockchain context cache can already give this information.
CurrentHardFork The blockchain context cache can already give this information.
HardForkInfo This request should go to the context cache - it is not currently available though
FeeEstimate This request should go to the context cache - it is not currently available though

Transaction pool

The transaction pool is going to have a specific interface for requests that mutate the pool, just to keep in mind, it wont directly use the write handle.


RelayBlock This will be handled by the blockchain manager
Syncing Same as above
Synced Same as above
Target Same as above
TargetHeight Same as above
PeerlistSize This should go to the address book service
ConnectionCount Same as above
SetBan Same as above
GetBan Same as above
GetBans Same as above