CuriousCod / BeatSaberTrackManager

Lists all currently downloaded custom tracks and downloads video files for the MVP mod.
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I like it! Nice screenshot in your readme! #1

Open PySimpleGUI opened 3 years ago

PySimpleGUI commented 3 years ago

I really like what you've made. The screenshot in your readme grabbed my attention. It's a nicely designed window.

I've not seen a TODO list at the start of a program before. Great idea!! I'll be using this one in the future I'm sure.

Keep making stuff! You're clearly skilled at this.

CuriousCod commented 3 years ago

Thanks! This was actually my first Python program. I made it as a final work for a coding course. I've learned a lot more now and there is, to be honest, quite a lot of things I could do to improve the code.

I really like your GUI library by the way! Working with PySimpleGUI is quite a smooth experience.

PySimpleGUI commented 3 years ago


quite a lot of things I could do to improve the code.

This has always been the case in my code and I think it's a "universal truth" about programming. There are some programs that are "done", perhaps perfectly, and never need to be changed, but those are quite rare.

The problem with PySimpleGUI isn't that it can be improved, it's that there are way too many things that can be improved than there is the ability to improve them.

My opinion on code is that it's better to have shipped a product that works and has code that can be improved than it is to never ship the code that MAY be perfectly written some day, but waiting for it to be finished may take so long that it's no longer needed when it's completed.

"Make it Run. Make it Right. Make it Fast" This is the coding mantra I live by.

Be kind to yourself as you learn. I find what you made to be impressive. I hope that the good feelings of accomplishment and pride of doing it outweigh the feelings of "it could be better". I think too often the question of "does it NEED to be better?" isn't asked. Sometimes programs are over-architected for a future that never comes. That over-architected time in my opinion was wasted. It could have been spent on other projects, or adding features that are immediately usable.

So much about programming is subjective.

The #1 goal for PySimpleGUI is and will remain "FUN". If you had fun and were successful, then PySimpleGUI did the job it was meant to do.

Keep building stuff!! This is the way to get better... it's by doing that you'll truly learn. Your program makes me think that you're a good programmer. You've got lots of comments. You're following most of the PySimpleGUI coding guidelines (they don't have to be perfectly followed of course... they're guidelines ;-)), you did something I've never seen which is a TODO list at the top, and your GUI window looks FANTASTIC! I'm going to have to try "Dark Teal 11" more often!

I hope programming is your chosen career as you seem to be a talented person.

CuriousCod commented 3 years ago

"Make it Run. Make it Right. Make it Fast" This is the coding mantra I live by.

I like that way of thinking and that's also why I like Python as a programming language. It might not be the most efficient way to build software, but it allows you to make good results, fast. I think it is very suitable for projects like these. I agree that it is better to spend time getting the software working than trying to over-engineer a single feature. Code is something you can always improve, and you should be aware at where you draw the line with the time spent on it.

I think fun is an important aspect in coding, as it keeps your mind active and allows you to be more creative with your solutions. The fun aspect has certainly affected the tools I've chosen to create code with ;) And besides fun, what motivates me the most in these projects is the fact that I can personally use the software I've created. It brings a great feeling of success, whenever the software you've built helps you with your everyday life.

I really appreciate the feedback. Thanks a ton! After a few missteps back in the day, I can certainly say that programming is the thing that I'm most comfortable with. I do programming as a hobby and I am also currently working as a software developer. While I still consider myself a newbie, every day I learn something new and improve.

Programming is very interesting as the tools and the languages are constantly evolving. There rarely (if ever) is a point where you could say that you've completely mastered something as things are ever so often changing.