CurlyWurly-1 / ESP8266-H801-MQTT

ESP8266 / H801 RGB controller using MQTT and WiFi onboarding
30 stars 14 forks source link

Help please #3

Open Blue407 opened 7 years ago

Blue407 commented 7 years ago

Firstly, a thanks for producing and uploading this sketch :)

I am very new to Arduino, so excuse my mis-understanding.

I got this uploaded to my H801 successfully:-

mounting FS... mounted file system connected...yeey :) local ip ESP_RGB_1 Attempting MQTT connection...connected Subscribing to ESP_RGB_1

However, I don't seem to be able to see anything from the broker end. Nor do I seem to be able to control it in any way.

Broker is Mosquitto running on a Pi3 with Openhab.

I'm using the command: mosquitto_sub -v -d -t /#

But it does not show any traffic from my H801. I would at least expect to see it registering itself.

Any help or advice on further testing would be greatly appreciated as I've spent hours going round and round in circles.