CurryKitten / CurryKitten-Sim

FPV quad simulator
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Fix the shadow flicker around the bando #64

Closed CurryKitten closed 3 years ago

CurryKitten commented 4 years ago

I seem to be getting a little bit of flicker going in and out of the building - but only when flying, it looks fine from the Unity editors point of view.

I think it potentially has something to do with casting/receiving shadows at the same time. There's some sort of blip as I get a distance in (or out) where light decides it can't/can reach me. It's a bit weird and needs some more investigation, but wanted to open this issue so I wouldn't forget about it

CurryKitten commented 3 years ago

All the searching I did on this did suggest a bug in the Unity engine. I'm using a 2018 version of Unity in order to keep the ability to build for 32-bit platforms, although I am using 2018.4.11f1 and I noticed that there was a 2018.4.25f1 as an LTS version so thought I would try that.

I put this together as a standalone project first using my exported assets from the 0.49b build and after some wrangling with rewired - which settings don't get carried through, and some of the project settings that don't seem to persist, it worked perfectly. Not a single flicker - especially around and in the Bando which looked great.

I then upgraded my main project to the 2018.4.25f1 version and this is also good. I tested out all the features I could and can't see any problems anywhere... so yay, move on to something else to fix!