Curts0 / PyTabular

Connect to Tabular Models via Python
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Recursion error #67

Closed Daandamhuis closed 1 year ago

Daandamhuis commented 1 year ago


I'm getting a Recursion after merging some changes from the master branch. Did anything change? I'm testing it on a production model, so maybe the adventure works model doesn't have enough translations to generate a recursion error.

self.Cultures = PyCultures(
        PyCulture(culture, self)
        for culture in self.Model.Cultures.GetEnumerator()

Daandamhuis commented 1 year ago

I’ve adjusted some things in my fork and removed PyTranslations and instead just use a list of dicts in PyCulture.

class PyCulture(PyObject):
    """Wrapper for [Cultures](
        Table: Parent Table to the Object Translations

    def __init__(self, object, model) -> None:
        self.Model = model
        self._display.add_row("Culture Name", self._object.Name)
        self.ObjectTranslations = self.set_translation()

    def set_translation(self):
        return [
                "object_translation": translation.Value,
                "object_name": translation.Object.Name,
                "object_parent_name": translation.Object.Parent.Name,
                "object_type": str(translation.Property),
            for translation in self._object.ObjectTranslations.GetEnumerator()

And added a get function

def get_translation(
    self, object_name: str, object_parent_name: str, object_type: str ="Caption"
) -> dict:
    if translations := [
        for d in self.ObjectTranslations
        if d["object_name"] == object_name
        and d["object_type"] == object_type
        and d["object_parent_name"] == object_parent_name
        return translations[0]

    return {
        "object_translation": "Not Available",
        "object_name": "Not Available",
        "object_parent_name": "Not Available",
        "object_type": "Not Available",


Model.Cultures[‘en-US’].get_translation(‘Measure’, ‘Sales Orders’)