Custodela / diva-android

DIVA Android - Damn Insecure and vulnerable App for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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CX SQL_Injection @ app/src/main/java/jakhar/aseem/diva/ [master] #2

Open kmcdon83 opened 6 years ago

kmcdon83 commented 6 years ago

SQL_Injection issue exists @ app/src/main/java/jakhar/aseem/diva/ in branch master

Method search at line 66 of app\src\main\java\jakhar\aseem\diva\ gets user input from the getText element. This element’s value then flows through the code without being properly sanitized or validated, and is eventually used in a database query in method search at line 66 of app\src\main\java\jakhar\aseem\diva\ This may enable an SQL Injection attack.

Severity: High CWE:89 Vulnerability details and guidance Internal Guidance Lines: 70

Code (Line #70):

            cr = mDB.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM sqliuser WHERE user = '" + srchtxt.getText().toString() + "'", null);

kmcdon83 commented 6 years ago

Issue still exists.