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Custom "BBcode" overhaul #16

Closed sibomots closed 2 years ago

sibomots commented 2 years ago

No profit in using PHP to generate content from custom BBcode.

We need to ween off that design solution and prefer all CSS-based solutions.

Hint to good server performance = don't make the CPU do anything that the browser can do for you.

sibomots commented 2 years ago

To be clear, all of the custom (our site) use of "BBcode" is effectively turned off because all of the legacy records from the database that use literal BBcode will be converted to CSS foundations.

Also, in the site editor (of the new software) they apparently honor the manual use of BBcode as long as those codes are part of the known codes. Adding custom codes is done one of two ways:

  1. Alteration of the DB to provide awareness of the system so that as codes are used in the editor, upon Submit, the body of the message (Post) that uses the codes is transformed to the literal CSS/HTML that represents the code. Somewhat problematic since re-editing the Post doesn't generalize the BBcode back to the user. It's almost (stress Almost) a oneway street.
  2. The other method is to simply force the editing of new content (posts, etc..) to use the Button features of the Editor to enter content. Ie., one doesn't enter [some_bb_code] but instead uses the GUI widget of the in-site editor.

Bottom line, we are going to need to ween off allowing BBcode as part of the composition process if at all possible. The consequence of relying on BBcode is to carry the baggage of a feature that is going to be sunset by the Vendor of the site software.

We realize the consequences and measures need to be taken to scrub the legacy data plus measures taken to provide the capability to enter 'codes' albeit not stored literally in records. It's a touchy subject, we need to puzzle this through fully.

KurgantheLurker commented 2 years ago

I would assume that default BBCode will be replaced by Invision with some other function, either a button or other menu option when making a post.

I am aslo assuming that the custom BBCode that is being discussed is that which is primarily used in the LIBER ASTARTES section: IndexAstartesBBCode

I didn't originally code this and I am not sure I have the skill set to convert it to a usable, non BBCode variation.

Out of the 25 threads, currently on the front page of LIBER ASTARTES only 7 use even a portion of the custom BBCodes. 1 of those 7 isn't even using them correctly (their entire post is jacked up) and only 1 of the 6 others are using anything beyond the "headers" LAIAHEADER

So the next question would be, do we need to convert them again? Header can be effectively mimicked with Font size and bold/backround colors. Other aspects (like the HQ emblem) could be recreated with an emoji or user group image.

The rest of the custom BBCodes appear to have fallen by the way side.

sibomots commented 2 years ago

Closed due to being consumed by a parent ticket.