Closed sibomots closed 2 years ago
So the problem seems to be here:
This code tests if it is permitted to render the "Create a blog" button (text with style essentially)
{{if \IPS\blog\Blog::canCreate()}} <li class='ipsType_center {{if !$forMobile}}ipsResponsive_hidePhone{{endif}}'> <a href='{url="app=blog&module=blogs&controller=create" seoTemplate="blog_create"}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="create_blog"}' class='ipsButton ipsButton_medium ipsButton_fullWidth ipsButton_link'>{lang="create_new_blog"}</a> </li> {{endif}}
If I instrument the theme, remove the test and get the 'button' to appear, when it is used I get this dialog box (attached)
"The page you are trying to access is not available for your account."
I am following up with Invision to troubleshoot why (apparently) the install doesn't think I have the right privs to use that feature...
The issue is not present after the test-upgrade.
So the problem seems to be here:
This code tests if it is permitted to render the "Create a blog" button (text with style essentially)
If I instrument the theme, remove the test and get the 'button' to appear, when it is used I get this dialog box (attached)
"The page you are trying to access is not available for your account."
I am following up with Invision to troubleshoot why (apparently) the install doesn't think I have the right privs to use that feature...