CuyZ / NotiZ

🔔 Powerful notification dispatcher for TYPO3 CMS.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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feature request: notify hanging up scheduler tasks #229

Open davdenic opened 4 years ago

davdenic commented 4 years ago

Hi I'm trying to get notified when a scheduler task is hanging up for too much time. The task didn't fail or success so i cannot get notified out-of-the-box with NotiZ. It could be nice to have a way to check if a task is in late after a certain amount of time. What do you think?

Another question: do you have any plan for version 10?

Thank you very much.

romm commented 4 years ago

Hello @davdenic,

Honestly I think it shouldn't be the job of this library to have a scheduler “timeout” feature. My best advice would be to implement it by yourself, and use a custom event to bind it to the notification system (see documentation and SchedulerTaskWasExecutedEvent as an example).

If you manage to implement it, don't hesitate to publish a custom extension for it and we might add it to the doc as an external possible library that NotiZ can hook on. 😉

For v10, I'm currently working on it. What takes so long is that I want to remove the external dependency to EXT:configuration_object, which is an old and not performant way of manipulating configuration. I've been working lately on a standalone version of this package, which will be much more stable, performant, more bug-free and decoupled from TYPO3 (easing future updates). The only drawback though: it will almost certainly require PHP 7.4. I hope it won't be a problem for you?