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GENERAL: material places #16

Open solpahi opened 7 years ago

solpahi commented 7 years ago

The following words have a "(made) of material" place:

baktu3 bargu3 barna3 batke4 bidju2 bisli2 bliku2 bolci2 botpi3 boxfo2 bratu2 bukpu2 cfine2 cilta2 cinta2/3 clupa2 creka2 cutci3 dakfu3 dakli3 daplu2 dasri2 derxi2 dilnu2 dinko3 dirgo2 djine2 falnu2 foldi2 fonmo2 gapci2 garna3 genxu2 gluta2 grana2 jduli2 jemna3 jendu3 jesni2 jetce2 jmifa2 jubme2 kabri3 kamju2 karda2 kicne3 kojna3 komcu2 konju2 kosta2 lanci4 lanka3 lenjo4 linsi2 litki2 mapku2 matci2 murta3 palku2 palne2 palta2 pastu2 patxu3 pijne3 pinsi3 punli3 purmo2 santa4 senta2? skaci2 skori2 slanu2 sligu2 smoka2 smuci2 tanbo2 tansi3 tanxe3 tapla2 tsina4 tubnu2 xislu3 zbepi3

The material places appear in all of x2, x3 and x4, sometimes with no clear pattern. Clothing gismu generally have them (for some reason), while furniture and tools are more random (smuci has one, forca does not). Very often, material places were inserted between two useful places, the result being that one of those places got demoted to x4. Some material places are very out of place, but there are also some that are justified.

By identifying patterns we could create "objective" criteria for which of these material places should go and which should stay in the name of consistency.

Generally, unless material composition is an integral part of a concept, it can always be expressed via "gi'e marji material" or even just "(gi'e/je) material" instead.

Material places are a good place for the gimste to lose weight, and become less bloated.

So maybe name some gismu that you think must keep their material places.