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bajra #22

Open solpahi opened 7 years ago

solpahi commented 7 years ago

Original definition: x1 runs on surface x2 using limbs x3 with gait x4.

Is this gismu bloated?

If bajra4 is too much, how does one express with what gait something runs? There is no word for "gait", so obviously it's not possible right now, but with an appropriate {broda} that goes something like "x1 ambulates with gait x2" (derived from another brivla "x1 is a gait") it would seem that {x1 bajra poi'a nu vo'a broda x4} would be equivalent.

As for bajra3, it parallels cadzu3, sanli3, stapa3 and also cpare4 (unfortunately x4 not x3), so they need to be considered together.

mklcp commented 7 years ago

I'm not very fan "x1 ambulates" for a new definition, since the gait isn't mandatory bounded to 'walk', 'run', or 'climb'.
For me, it's nearer of 'an underlying way to perform an action'. I've been always stuck to translate 'the spirit of a music', or 'the trait of a dance', since theses gismu don't have this semantic.
And I don't consider that who performs the action is essential to the 'gait'. Any thing can have a 'gait', or 'trace', 'way of manifest', to propose other keywords. So I propose x1 happens with gait x2.

lynn commented 7 years ago

Isn’t that just tadji? As in mi bajra fi'o tadji lo juxre. My dictionary literally describes “gait” as nothing but “manner of walking”.

mklcp commented 7 years ago

If gait can be expressed by tadji, then why keep this gait place?

Not only your dictionnary, I can agree that gait has the sense of manner. But I think there’s something more. When you see someone, for example, brilliantly plays piano,, the manner can be described as 'brilliant', but this term doesn't seem to reach the 'soul' which can be borrowed by the music.

But we might be out of lojban's scope, stuck between my-humble-opinion-about-music-perception-for-example, and malglico.