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renvi #27

Open solpahi opened 7 years ago

solpahi commented 7 years ago

Original definition: x1 survives/endures/undergoes/abides/lasts/persists through x2 for interval/duration x3.

"surviving" and "enduring" are not always the same thing, and usage of renvi goes both ways.

With the former, failing to endure results in death. With the latter, failing to endure results in something else, like giving up, falling off, falling asleep, throwing up...

I believe these are just two different manifestations of the same underlying concept, and that concept should be what renvi expresses, while allowing both "survive" and "endure" (and more) to be expressed. However, currently there is no place to specify the nature and result of the endurance, unless the x2 is supposed to be that.

Maybe "renvi lo ka jmive" ends with {lo ka na jmive}, and {renvi lo ka cikna} ends with {renvi lo ka na cikna}. But then we can't easily say "He survived another week taking in no food, then he died." or "I endured drinking twenty glasses of vodka before I threw up", or "I endured three sleepless night before I finally fainted".

So unless I'm missing something, I propose that renvi gain another place.

That place should specify what the property x1 is trying to keep up or maintain against the resistance they are facing and which is lost as the endurance ends. Then "surviving" would be {renvi fo lo ka jmive}.

Maybe this place could simply replace the old x3.

Please double-check my logic.