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kafke #37

Open lynn opened 7 years ago

lynn commented 7 years ago

x₁ coughs / farts / burps up / out x₂ [predominantly gaseous] from orifice x₃.

I think this word is a little too vague… Those three things are so vastly different (socially) that everyone seems to narrow kafke down with lujvo and use those (gaxykafke, befkafke). kafke on its own can lead to some strange miscommunications.

Does it usually mean “cough” by default? (I assume so, because feprykafke isn’t a thing, while the others are!) If so, I wouldn’t mind seeing its definition get replaced by something like

x₁ coughs up x₂ from orifice x₃ [metaphor: emit something gaseous].

mklcp commented 7 years ago

kafke is vague, indeed, but how to particularize the meaning of such gismu? How to distinguish 'vomit' (vamtu) from 'expectorate' (sputu)?

Also, kafke, as the two other previously mentioned,, supposes the existence of an entity which expulses. Perceiving that there's a tendancy to get rid of the agent or the volitional which brings about the action ⦅e.g. xruti, klama⦆, maybe suppress kafke1?

But the one which expulses seems to be necessary to speak about the expulsion... perhaps not, as jetce exists ⦅an expulsion-equivalent of muvdu, strangely without x4, the path for the expulsion⦆.

Moreover/However, the one which expulses can be not agentive or not volitional.. it's easy and coherent to imagine it as possibly an EXPERIENCER or a PATIENT.

That's allowed by kafke1, a vague place about EXPERIENCER, AGENT, PATIENT... ⦅I don't know generic word for that, maybe, 'subject', withouth the THEME meaning that english associates to this word?⦆