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bongu #4

Open solpahi opened 8 years ago

solpahi commented 8 years ago

In this balningau thread, Ilmen suggested swapping x2 and x3:

{bongu} doesn't comply to the body part gismu family's argument structure: x1: body part, x2: body/individual (+ possibly a function argument x3) {bongu} should parallels {rango}'s argument structure, and this is the way {bongu} is usually used, as evidenced by the results retrieved by korpora zei sisku:

• bongu-2:[tags%20_%3D%20%22bongu2%22]&search_tab=1&hpp=100&search=cqp • bongu-3:[tags%20_%3D%20%22bongu3%22]&search_tab=1&hpp=100&search=cqp

As you can see, there is five hits for bongu2 used as a body, and three hits for bongu3 used for the same purpose.

mklcp commented 7 years ago

If most of body part gismu have not 'function' place, why would bongu have one?