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jalra #44

Open solpahi opened 7 years ago

solpahi commented 7 years ago


x1 is a cockroach/orthopteran/termite of order/species/breed x2

Also grasshopper (= {pipyjalra}); cricket (= {sagjalra}); locust, termite (= mantyjalra or {mudyctijalra}). (Orthoptera includes grasshoppers, crickets, etc; termites are a closely-related non-Orthoptera, more akin to cockroaches than to e.g. ants); See also {cinki}, {civla}, {manti}.

This is another gismu that does not adhere to biological taxonomy. Cockroaches and orthopterans are too different to get the same gismu. The notes predominantly deal with different orthoptera, so maybe we should go with those for jalra, though I've usually seen jalra used for cockroaches. In any case, a new gismu for the other one will probably be needed.

I was leaning towards removing cockroaches (and termites) from the definition, but then again I checked the etymology:

Chinese: janlan — 蟑螂 (zhāng láng)
English: kakroc — cockroach
Hindi: tilcat — तिलचट्टा (tilacaṭṭā)
Spanish: kukarac — cucaracha
Russian: tarakan — таракан (tarakan)



lynn commented 7 years ago

Well, if both usage and etymology point toward jalra meaning “cockroach”, then it seems pretty safe to split orthoptera off into a new gismu, no? jalra can keep covering termites — then it just generally refers to any member of Blattodea. If we walk up one more step to Dictyoptera, we can include mantids as well, which seems like a good idea, if gismu are supposed to be as general as possible.

I’m proposing:

x1 is a cockroach/termite/mantid (Dictyoptera) of order/species/breed x2.