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GENERAL: power of ten gismu #47

Open mklcp opened 7 years ago

mklcp commented 7 years ago

Here the complete list of power of ten gismu, with the associated power.

The current pattern for all of them is
x1 is 10^n of x2 in dimension / aspect x3 (default is units).

Why are theses gismu existing?

And they're solutions to get rid of them:

uakci commented 7 years ago

I think that we can make those gismu obsolete just by assigning a rafsi for «gei». For example, «kilto» would be replaced by «ci gei» and, as a prefix in lujvo, by «cibgem-» (assuming -gem- to be the rafsi for «gei»). The 'general gismu' for powers seems to be a good idea as well.

phma commented 4 years ago

I say keep them. Their purpose is to use their rafsi as prefixes.