Cveinnt / LiveTerm

💻 Build terminal styled websites in minutes!
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Export static site? #2

Closed VictorioBerra closed 2 years ago

VictorioBerra commented 2 years ago

Can we export a static site, and host on S3?

Cveinnt commented 2 years ago

Hi @VictorioBerra, thank you for your interest in LiveTerm! Unfortunately, LiveTerm can only be used to generate dynamic websites, as static websites are not designed to be interactive.

VictorioBerra commented 2 years ago

@Cveinnt Just wanted to point out, static sites can be incredibly interactive through the use of JavaScript (React, Vue, Angular, jQuery), and HTML5 and CSS3.

You really only need a server-side framework if you need to interact with server-side infrastructure like file system, databases, email servers, storage queues, background jobs, or for added security like making protected calls to back-end APIs.

Here is a CodePen (fully static, client-side, no server, no nextjs, no vercel) that behaves very similarly to your project:

Cveinnt commented 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing this!

Next.js is actually a React framework geared towards production, and it is capable of exporting static htmls with the help of getStaticProps().

I designed LiveTerm to be highly flexible and extensible, and therefore have not considered making it a static site generator. However, it is definitely possible to port LiveTerm into one.