Closed MegaSa1nt closed 11 months ago
I noticed a new URL in the exe: - Not sure what it does, but I wanted to mention it in case you do.
— Upload MultiPlayer Comment? maybe its related to Versus mode, which is delayed
— Upload MultiPlayer Comment? maybe its related to Versus mode, which is delayed
yeah that makes sense, and robtop said he would have versus on different servers, so it makes sense it's on instead of
rating lists with !rate doesn't work, just sends "Comment upload failed. Try again later." also featured lists don't show in the Top Lists section.
are you sure you updated to latest version? works for me
yeah, just updated less than half an hour ago. even updated sql. and i think the top lists is having issues because the list isn't rated edit: i'm attempting to add a try catch to return a fail message so I can figure out what's happening.
Here's my error: SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetimeformat: 1366 Incorrect integer value: '' for column `id20294813
can you tell file and line? cant reproduce on my gdps
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'starDifficulty' cannot be null File /storage/ssd4/813/20294813/public_html/database/incl/lib/commands.php line 265
(Updated with correct error)
wait hang on i just didn't have enough arguments i figured it out :)
Гаунтлеты почему то багаются (у меня щас только фаер гаунтлет есть)
Баг 2.2, гаунтлеты на второй странице (да, которой нет, понажимай стрелочки)
its being stupid with accounts, making it where you have to refresh everytime
also whats the sql script to create the SFX table?
its being stupid with accounts, making it where you have to refresh everytime
Strange, doesnt happen to me
i fixed it, it was a problem with the color3 not existing, anyways, how do i add shit to the music library and SFX? there isnt anything in the songs table or anything
also whats the sql script to create the SFX table?
There's no script to do that, we're taking SFXs from Rob's server
oh, then why isnt it there?
also whgenever you comment on a list it takes it as a command
oh, then why isnt it there?
Are you sure you applied all files?
also whgenever you comment on a list it takes it as a command
Thanks, will check later
wait doesn't cvolton usually update the database.sql whenever an update sql is added to the folder?
wait doesn't cvolton usually update the database.sql whenever an update sql is added to the folder?
yes, i forgot
i couldn't get sound effects to work. i disabled the php server and started a custom node.js server that prints out post requests, and no request came through for sfx or songs. is it on a server that isn't boomlings?
yea its been there and the url in the game is pointing to that
wait i think its a steam emulator im using, maybe it goes through steam to get the content somehow
У меня почему то не работают листы и сейф.. У меня ощущение, что я неправильно как то заменил адрес в hxd, потому что если отправить такой же POST запрос через какой нибудь сайт, то он выдаст мне тот лист, который я создал вручную в базе данных (выкладывать также не могу) Там же изменилось то, как надо заменять адрес. Подскажи, как сделать правильно, можешь даже в дс написать (username - julfor) так удобнее будет
its being stupid with accounts, making it where you have to refresh everytime
А еще у меня такая же проблема как у этого чела
How does the command go for !rate on lists?
There is a bug in the lists where the "likes" do not increase
this is so cool guys
why tf is this not merged?
Я ещё не проверял этот код, но хочу спросить, а в поиске готова кнопка для показа уровней, которые были отправлены модераторами? И отправлять уровни туда могут же только обычные модераторы, да?
Я ещё не проверял этот код, но хочу спросить, а в поиске готова кнопка для показа уровней, которые были отправлены модераторами? И отправлять уровни туда могут же только обычные модераторы, да?
Да, всё верно, и тоже самое относится и к листам
how to fix this bug in top list?
Strange, shouldn't happen, did you manually added some list?
There is a bug in the lists where the "likes" do not increase
Are you sure you applied all files and SQLs correctly? Works for me
Strange, shouldn't happen, did you manually added some list?
I added in gdps. it only shows the level when i have downloaded the level before in gdps
try now, should be fixed
There is a bug in the lists where the "likes" do not increase
Are you sure you applied all files and SQLs correctly? Works for me
Yes, in fact that happens when you refresh the list. when I enter the list and click "like" it is displayed correctly but when I leave the list and refresh the "Likes" are not saved.
Giving "Like" to the list:
I refresh the list and the "like" disappears:
try updating this file:
try updating this file:
Yes, I have updated that file (I even re-uploaded it to my server) but it still doesn't work.
Couldnt i make my own webpage to host SFX and Music Library? Cause if i could, i was wondering how it would look (like in the ftp, like is it httpdocs/sfx and httpdocs/music?
how do i use this
Couldnt i make my own webpage to host SFX and Music Library? Cause if i could, i was wondering how it would look (like in the ftp, like is it httpdocs/sfx and httpdocs/music?
SFX and Music libraries are encrypted and stored in .dat, if you decrypt it, then you can
how do i use this
Same as original GMDPrivateServer
how do i use this
Same as original GMDPrivateServer
do you mean Cvolton's GMDprivateServer or yours?
do you mean Cvolton's GMDprivateServer or yours?
do you mean Cvolton's GMDprivateServer or yours?
oh alr
do you mean Cvolton's GMDprivateServer or yours?
when i use your gmdprivateserver (in the gdps itself, not the dashboard) it doesnt let me login, it says "login failed" and when i try to register it says "something went wrong" what do i do
are you sure you applied SQL?
This PR is ready for using on 2.2 GDPSs!
Already did:
New list commands:
)reward amount
difficulty (-1 - 10 or by name)
featured (0 or 1)
amount of levels required to get reward
)0 or 1
)0 or 1
(1 is unlisted, 0 is public)!delete
)account name or ID
)list name
)list description