Cxbx-Reloaded / game-compatibility

Cxbx-Reloaded game compatibilty list, using GitHub issues
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Iron Phoenix [SA-003] [1.01] #117

Open PatrickvL opened 6 years ago

PatrickvL commented 6 years ago

From @fuhuan416 on April 30, 2017 16:59

When i was booted my game, then i recived 'D3DDEVICE was not found!'

Copied from original issue: Cxbx-Reloaded/Cxbx-Reloaded#413

PatrickvL commented 6 years ago

From @BenNottelling on April 30, 2017 17:1

@fuhuan416 What game?

PatrickvL commented 6 years ago

From @fuhuan416 on April 30, 2017 17:4

@BenNottelling It's Iron Phoenix.

PatrickvL commented 6 years ago

From @blueshogun96 on April 30, 2017 17:33

All you gotta do is clear the HLE cache. You have to do this for each new build to avoid that.


PatrickvL commented 6 years ago

From @fuhuan416 on April 30, 2017 17:42

@blueshogun96 Thank you shogun sama, i did that, then i recieved 'IDirect3D8::CreateDevice failed (Invalid Call)'. My videocard is Intel HD5000.

PatrickvL commented 6 years ago

Sorry, but we can't do much for bug reports like this, without any basic information, like indeed which game you are starting, build number of Cxbx, exact Windows version, log files, etc.

PatrickvL commented 6 years ago

So far it seems like your system can't initialize DirectX. If other titles do show something, then it might be an​ issue we could look into. Otherwise it could be that your system isn't capable enough, graphics wise?

PatrickvL commented 6 years ago

@blueshogun96 I might be mistaken, so @LukeUsher please correct me if I'm wrong, but under normal circumstances the HLE cache code itself detects if a cache file can be used or not (as it first checks a signature). If I'm right about that, then you've just shared some misinformation, which could cause all sorts of confusion.

Therefore, maybe you're interested to dive into each of these little details, find out how things work, and document it in our wiki? (If you do, I'll even help you when time permits to get the details right.)

PatrickvL commented 6 years ago

From @fuhuan416 on May 4, 2017 0:19

Guys are great! I updated Cxbx-Reloaded to May 3 version, then i recieved the dialog 'EmuD3DDeferredRenderState was not found!'. System: Win10 x64 Video Card: Intel HD 5000 Build: 3e872214 Logs: KrnlDebug.txt CxbxDebug.txt Xbe.txt

PatrickvL commented 6 years ago

Also see #114

Voxel9 commented 6 years ago

Now booting. As the SEGA logo fades in, an exception occurs, though the emulation continues up to the end of the logo splashes.

Received Exception Code 0xC0000005 @ EIP := 0x040909EF

  Press "OK" to terminate emulation.
  Press "Cancel" to debug.
OK   Cancel   



fuhuan416 commented 4 years ago


WakeK211 commented 4 years ago


WakeK211 commented 4 years ago


fuhuan416 commented 4 years ago



There're more elements can be displayed, especially about 3D things is good to developed!!!!

You're awesome guys!!!!

SweetLoli commented 4 years ago

Graphics Engine: Perng Kuo-Luen (Peter Pon)

Listed are capabilities of this graphics engine:

Support D3D8/D3D9/XBOX/OpenGL, but OpenGL version is not fully functional at this moment. PC equipped with nVidia Geforce3+ or ATI8500+ could display all graphic effects like XBOX do. Normal-map, per-pixel lighting - All characters are lighted with normal-map, and their skin deformations are processed by hardware shader. Dynamic light - runtime create and modify lights in game world. Shadow - each character can cast shadow in game world. Water - reflect and refract images in water surface, characters can produce ripples while they're interacting with water. Particle system - simulating smokes, blood spreading, sparks while weapons hitting each other .... something like that. Fog - distance fog. Depth of Field - only objects in camera focus are clear, far away objects are blurred. Volume Fog - different from distance fog, volume fog has its own volume. Artist can create a closed model to be rendered as volume fog. Volume Light - simulate light shafts. Refraction effect - simulate invisible objects, like what we watch in Hollywood movies. All the lights are distorted while they're passing through invisible objects. Glow effect - glowing effects of shinning objects. Fullscreen glow - blur and intensify the bright parts of the whole image. Distortion effect - image space distortion effect.

Tools for artists:

3DSMax material editor - We use our own plug-in to edit materials in 3DSMax, this plug-in tool also replace original 3DSMax real-time render, artists are able to preview hardware shader effects in 3DSMax preview window. materialplugin maxpreview 3DSMax exporter - Tools to export our own format. Special Effect Editor - Used to create additional graphics assets, for example, create "Chi waves" while a character is attacking his opponent. All particle effects are also generated from this tool. sfxeditor Scene Editor - Tools for artists to edit lights in game world and specify objects attributes. For designers to put pickup items and triggers. seditor Preprocess PVS tool - off line preprocess potential visible sets for run time speed up.

ObiKKa commented 4 years ago

Rough Google's translation of a couple August 2019 comments from one user, WakeK211: "Looking forward to play after perfection". (Actually, you can remove that comment's post) "No 3D graphics".

Screenshots in a few old posts from two different users further above give the matching title ID: [SA-003] [v1.01].

Edit: Hang on. That user copied the exact same screenshot that another user produced. Just remove both of his posts.